
[英语广告] 广告的社会性和道德性

  • 简介: 原文 The social and ethical aspects of advertising are as dynamic and controversial as any of the strategic or creative elements of the process. What is socially responsible or irresponsible, ethically debatable, politically ...
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The social and ethical aspects of advertising are as dynamic and controversial as any of the strategic or creative elements of the process. What is socially responsible or irresponsible, ethically debatable, politically correct, or legal? The answers are constantly changing. As a society changes, so too do its perspectives. Like anything else with social roots and implications, advertising will be affected by these changes.
The social and ethical aspects of advertising provide some of its most memorable and defining moments. Consider these episodes in the history of advertising:
.In the late 1800s, patent medicine advertising dominated the media. Elixirs and medical devices promised cures for everything from paralysis to spinal irritation and malaria.
. Warner-Lambert began running advertising in 1921 that claimed Listerine mouthwash could prevent colds and sore throats. In 1975, the advertising was judged to be deceptive, and the firm was required to spend $10million on "corrective advertising" to undo the misimpressions created by the claims.
. In 1990, an ad for Volvo automobiles showed a monster truck with oversized tires rolling over the roofs of a row of cars, crushing all of them except a Volvo. Volvo, which had developed a reputation for building safe and durable cars, had rigged the demonstration; the Volvo's roof had been reinforced, while the other cars' roof supports had been weakened.
. In 1994, General Nutrition agreed to stop making unsubstantiated claims for more than 40 products, including Sleepers Diet, which the company claimed would help users lose weight while they slept. The company also agreed to pay a $2.4 million civil penalty.
Advertising history includes all sorts of social, ethical, and legal lapses on the part of advertisers. However, advertising has also had its triumphs, financial as well as moral. Whether justified or not, criticisms of advertising can be naive and simplistic, often failing to consider the complex social and legal environment in which contemporary advertising operates.


The Social Aspects of Advertising
1. View One: Advertising Educates Consumers
2.View Two: Advertising Improves the Standard of Living
3.View Three: Advertising Affects Happiness and General Well-Being
4.View 4: Advertising Has a Powerful Effect on the Mass Media
III . The Ethical Aspects of Advertising
1. Truth in Advertising
2. Advertising to children
3. Advertising Controversial Products
IV. Conclusion


1《广告学》市场营销系列英文版 世界财经与管理教材大系
东北财经大学出版社出版 赤城图文信息有限公司策划 ITP国际出版公司授权
2.《广告与推销心里-打开市场的钥匙》欧阳康著 2000年8月第一版 中国社会出版社
3.《国际广告》孙有为编著 1991年12月出版 世界知识出版社
4.《广告英语》吉姆·麦大锡(美)苏斐然译 2000年3月 机械工业出版社
5.《广告原理与方法》 陈培爱编著 1987年8月第一版 厦门大学出版社
6.《现代商业广告学》 汪洋 苗杰主编 1988年1月第一版 中国人民大学出版社
7.《广告学原理》 杨建华编著 1999年1月 暨南大学出版社

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