
毕业论文 湖南生猪产业可持续发展研究

  • 简介:毕业论文-湖南生猪产业可持续发展研究,共25页,19146字,目 录,摘 要 1,关键词 1,一、绪论 2,(一)研究的背景 2,(二)研究的意义 3,(三)国外研究现状 4,(四)国内研究现状 6,二、生猪产业可持续发展概述 7,(一)可持续发展定义 7,(二)...
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目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
一、绪论 2
(一)研究的背景 2
(二)研究的意义 3
(三)国外研究现状 4
(四)国内研究现状 6
二、生猪产业可持续发展概述 7
(一)可持续发展定义 7
(二)生猪业可持续发展的内涵 7
(三)生猪业可持续发展的基本特征 8
1.在自然方面的持续性 8
2.在社会方面的持续性 8
3.在经济方面的持续性 8
4.在科技方面的持续性 8
(四)生猪产业可持续发展的意义 9
三、湖南生猪产业可持续发展的现状 10
(一)生猪产业概况 10
(二)全省生猪产业发展趋势 10
1.走可持续发展道路,更加注重与环境共同发展 11
2.向标准化、规模化方向发展 11
3.价格稳步化、利润合理化 11
4.销售结构发生变化,销售形式多样化 11
5.市场发展趋于稳定且发展潜力大 12
6.居民消费趋于优质化和多元化 12
(三)湖南省现代生猪业取得的成就 13
四、湖南生猪产业可持续发展存在的问题 14
(一)粪污治理难给坏境带来不利影响 14
(二)资源浪费严重,养猪成本上涨 14
(三)猪肉供应链的信息系统还未完善,技术水平落后 15
(四)生猪品质状况仍然落后 15
(五)动物疫病疾病的发生 15
五、实现湖南生猪产业可持续发展采取的措施 15
(一)妥善处理粪污,发展生态养猪技术,实现与环境共赢的目标 15
1.做好猪舍卫生安全 16
2.妥善处理粪尿和污水 16
3.实行生态养殖技术 16
(二)节约养猪场的资源 16
1.提高饲料利用率 17
2.利用青料养猪,节省精料 17
3.防止老鼠进去偷吃饲料 17
(三)以科技带动养猪业发展,完善生猪产业科学交易体系 17
1.完善生猪交易体系 17
2.进行数据库平台建设 17
3.利用先进技术进行商业育种 18
4.加强生猪产业信息的科学预警 18
(四)实行猪肉产品信息追溯技术,进行品牌建设 18
1.实行猪肉产品信息追溯技术 18
2.加强质量检测 18
3.打造集团品牌 18
(五)建立科学有效的生猪疫病防控机制 19
1.推进兽医管理体制改革 19
2.加强防控能力建设 19
3.加强疫病检疫工作 19
六、结束语 20
参考文献 20
致 谢 20
Abstract: The pig industry is the traditional advantageous industry in China's agriculture and the important source of meat products in urban and rural residents, and occupies a very important position in China’s agriculture and rural economy. The development of pig industry not only meets the consumers’ demand of pork, but also makes a significant contribution to the income increase of farmers, the employment of the rural labor and the development of relevant industries. With the changes in market demand, some new situations and problems arouse in the development of pig industry concerning its healthy and sustainable development. In the face of the vagaries of the market, what should be done in order to give full play to the pig regional comparative advantage, improve the competitiveness of the hog market, and ensure the sustainable and healthy development? In Hunan Province where pig production and consumption is of great importance, the pig industry is a leading industry and plays a decisive role in promoting the rural economic development and ensuring the steady growth of farmers' income. Taking Hunan Province as an example, the paper studies the present industry situation and domestic and international environments, analyzes policy direction and development priorities, points out some issues in the sustainable development and restricting factors, proposes a solution to how to stabilize hog industrial production and solve the problems in the development, and makes recommendations for the realization of the sustainable development of the whole province.
Key words: Pig industry; sustainable development; policy; solution


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