
毕业论文 长沙市汽车理赔现状研究

  • 简介:毕业论文-长沙市汽车理赔现状研究,共32页,21826字,附开题报告等,摘要:我国汽车保有量已上升到2亿辆左右,随着汽车产销量的大幅增长,车险投诉与纠纷也显著增加,车险行业中普遍存在的“无责不赔”惯例正遭受各方质疑。本
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Study on car claims status of Changsha
Students: ZhongQuan
Teacher: LiXiaoyang
(Orient Science & Technology College of Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128)
Abstract: Auto possession in China has risen to about 200 million cars, with a significant increase in car production and sales, car insurance complaints and disputes also increased significantly, car insurance industry generally exists in " No responsibility to not lose " practices are suffering from all parties questioned. This article through studies and analyzes the manage compensate relevant knowledge, is our country and foreign auto adjustments to the actual situation of the market, combining with the current situation in Changsha city claims, summarized the influence of the factors in Changsha city car claims, the future is put forward according to the results of analysis in Changsha city car claims the development of the market trend, and set up standard, orderly, reliable car insurance claims system, for the car insurance claims the development of the market to provide the reference.
Keywords:car; insurance claim;development
目 录
1 前言 2
1.1 选题背景 2
1.2 选题意义 2
1.3 国外汽车保险理赔服务的模式… 3
2 机动车辆保险的整体概况… 4
2.1 机动车辆保险在保险中所占的比例………… 4
2.2 机动车辆保险的搜索指数……… 5
2.3 机动车辆保险的基本险种……… 7
3 机动车辆保险的理赔服务… 7
3.1 理赔含义 7
3.2 理赔流程 8
4 长沙市汽车保险理赔服务模式分析…… 9
4.1 理赔服务质量测评…10
4.2 理赔服务满意度调查10
4.3 汽车保险承保和理赔市场分析…11
4.4 一元线性回归预测…14
4.5 汽车理赔的经营特点及趋势……17
4.6 利弊分析17
5 长沙市保险理赔存在的问题分析………19
5.1 缺乏产业意识及行业整体实力…19
5.2 理赔效率低…………19
5.3 保险理赔陷阱多……20
5.4 缺乏良好的社会环境21
6 长沙汽车保险服务的发展策略…………23
6.1 以产业链思维推动车险业务持续快速发展…23
6.1 营造良好的社会环境24
6.1 提高理赔效率………24
7 结论25
参考文献………… 26
致谢… 26
附录… 27


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