
毕业设计 钻床液压系统的设计

  • 简介:中文题目:钻床液压系统的设计,外文题目:DRILING MACHINE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM DESIGN,毕业设计(论文)共 51 页,27331字(其中:外文文献及译文19页) 图纸共4张,附开题报告及实习报告,摘要,本设计在分析了钻床技术要求的基础上,根据立...
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毕业设计(论文)共 51 页,27331字(其中:外文文献及译文19页) 图纸共4张,附开题报告及实习报告
The design of the analysis of the drilling machine technology request, based on the characteristics of vertical drilling and requirements for the hydraulic system design, which focuses on the drilling hydraulic system principle, hydraulic system design, Valve design and horizontal tank and pump station design. The hydraulic system is in good, stable jobs.
The Design graduate Rocker is the subject of drilling machine hydraulic system design, design considerations of the function of a relatively complete. Due to the pressure of the system is small (C306), flow of small, ordinary slide valve will be able to meet its requirements.
Drilling hydraulic station is developed in recent years for equipment, a higher degree of automation. The article focuses on the drilling hydraulic system to the requirements of the paper, the design requirements and design steps described. The main valve, pump, motor and cylinder selection, tanks, valves and valve block to the block design, the performance of the system than nuclear and mainly checking. And the right hydraulic system maintenance and maintenance is a detailed description and requirements.
Nearly 30 years, as a result of nuclear energy technology, aerospace technology, control technology, material science, microelectronics technology disciplines, such as the development of hydraulic technology will once again push forward into it, including transmission, control, Detection of a complete automation technology, in every sector of the national economy have been applied, such as engineering machinery, CNC Machining Center, metallurgical automatic lanes. Hydraulic Drive has become a national industrial measuring the level of one of the important signs.
Key words: hydraulic systems;hydraulic technology; pump station
前言 1
1 绪论 2
1.1 课题选择的意义 2
1.2 液压系统在工程中的应用 3
1.3 液压传动系统的优缺点 3
1.3.1 优点 4
1.3.2 缺点 5
2. 液压系统的初步设计 6
2.1 液压系统的设计步骤 6
2.2 设计要求 6
2.3 钻床对液压系统的要求 6
3 液压系统方案设计 8
3.1 制定调速方案 8
3.2 制定压力控制方案 8
3.3 制定顺序动作方案 9
3.4 选择液压动力源 9
3.5 绘制液压系统图 10
4 液压执行元件的设计计算与选用 12
4.1 确定液压系统的主要参数 12
4.1.1 钻床机床控制液压系统的主要设计参数 12
4.1.2 初步估算系统工作压力 12
4.1.3 系统工作流量的选择 12
4.2 管道尺寸的确定 13
4.3 各种阀类的选择 13
4.3.1 换向阀的选取 13
4.3.2 单向阀的选择 14
4.3.3 减压阀的选择 14
4.3.4 压力继电器的选择 14
4.4 液压泵的选择 15
4.5 液压泵驱动电机的选择 15
4.6 液压马达的选取 16
4.7 确定油箱的有效容积 16
4.8 液压缸的载荷力计算 16
5 系统性能验算 18
5.1 沿程压力损失 18
5.2 局部压力损失 18
6 系统发热量的计算 20
6.1 计算发热功率 20
6.2 计算散热功率 20
7 液压系统安装、调试、维护 22
7.1 安装前的技术准备工作 22
7.1.1 液压元件质量检查 22
7.1.2 液压辅件质量检查 22
7.1.3 管子和接头质量检查、管接头压力等级应符合设计要求. 23
7.2 液压管道的安装要求 24
7.3 液压件安装要求 26
7.3.1 泵的安装 26
7.3.2 集成块的安装 26
7.4 液压系统清洗 27
7.5 调试 28
7.6 保养 28
8 结论 30
参考文献 31
致谢 32
附录A1 33
附录A2 39
附录B1 42
附录B2 48


  • 毕业设计-钻床液压系统的设计
  • 钻床液压系统的设计
  • 图纸
  • dwg原理图(A2).dwg  [135.36KB]
  • dwg总装图(A0)_.dwg  [281.24KB]
  • dwg油箱(A2).dwg  [141.18KB]
  • dwg阀块(A1).dwg  [107.93KB]
  • 论文
  • doc周秀娜开题报告.doc  [87.00KB]
  • doc周秀娜毕业设计.doc  [658.50KB]
  • doc机械04-1周秀娜-实习报告.doc  [38.00KB]

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