
毕业论文 激光测距的研究

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  毕业论文 激光测距的研究,共34页,19527字。
   前言 3
   一 脉冲激光测距的研究状况 3
   1.1国外研究状况 4
   1.2国内研究状况 4
   二 激光测距原理 4
   2.1相位法激光测距 5
   2.2 相位法优缺点 7
   2.3 脉冲激光测距的基本原理 8
   2.4脉冲激光测距仪的测距性能指标 16
   2.5激光脉冲飞行时间法的关键技术 18
   2.6小结 21
   三 激光发射电路设计 22
   3.1 MULTISIM简介 22
   3.2 MULTISIM的界面 22
   3.3 激光脉冲发射电路设计 23
   四 脉冲激光接收电路设计 25
   4.1基本要求 25
   4.2前放设计分析 26
   4.3整形电路 29
   4.4 计数电路 30
   4.5 接收电路 31
   4.6 PCB板 31
   五 结束语 32
   致谢 33
   参考文献: 33
   Abstract: In this paper, the principles of laser range based on phase and pulse were discussed in this paper, and the advantages and disadvantages were compared and analyzed. The typical characteristics of pulse laser range finder were studied with the theory, the circuit graph was deigned and optimized by analyzing the main parameters, the laser range finder system was stable and reliable by simulation and verification, and, the PCB of the circuit was shown in it.
   关键词: 激光测距;脉冲;相位;PCB
   key words:Laser Ranging Finder ;Pulse;Phase;Printed circuit board
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