
毕业设计(论文) 瓶盖冲压模具设计

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  毕业设计(论文) 瓶盖冲压模具设计,共42页,26687字。
   摘 要
   The aluminium capsules for red wine are widely used in the red wine packing, and they are more popular because of the functions and features of mechanised and massively production, low cost, no pollusion, recycle and mulriple forgery-proofs.In the future, aluminium capsules will be the mainstream all the same in the field of the consumption of capsules for wine. The aluminium capsules are required to have excellent airproof capability and to meet the demand of high temperature sterilization and other particular ones.Therefore, a good reliability of the aluminium capsules is fully expected and the dimensional deviation is severely limited and required. To summarize, it makes a practical sense to produce the aluminium capsules by stamping process, and this producing method is widely extended home and abroad.
   This paper which was based on the research on an aluminium capsule, focused on the analysis for the stamping process, the structure design and the calculation of the aluminium capsule. Firstly, according to the analysis and the calculation of the process, desirable process scheme was determined. Secondly, the blanking and drawing compound tool and the drawing molds for other procedures were analysed, designed and calculated as well as the main structure components.Also,the selection of the appropriate presses are completed. Finally, the illumination of the mold assembly of the blanking and drawing mold was made up.
   Key words: Aluminium capsule; Stamping process; Mold design; Drawing.
   第一章 绪论 1
   1.1本课题的项目背景及研究意义 1
   1.2课题研究的理论依据 2
   1.2.1冲裁过程 2
   1.2.2 拉深过程 3
   1.3课题研究的主要内容 3
   第二章 冲压工艺分析 4
   2.1工艺性分析 4
   2.2本题拉深工艺中的关键问题 5
   2.2.1起皱及其防止措施 5
   2.2.2拉裂及其防止措施 5
   2.2.3凸、凹模圆角半径对圆筒件拉深的影响 5
   2.2.4拉深系数 6
   2.3 本题模具采用设计方案 6
   2.4冲模设计的步骤和内容 7
   2.5确定冲压工艺方案 8
   2.5.1设计毛坯尺寸和形状 8
   2.5.2计算各次拉深直径 8
   2.5.3确定各次拉深凸、凹模圆角半径 9
   2.5.4计算各次拉深高度 9
   2.5.5工序图的确定 9
   2.5.6确定搭边值和排样 10
   2.5.7拉深凸、凹模间隙 12
   2.5.8计算各次拉深凸、凹模尺寸 12
   2.5.9计算落料凸、凹模刃口尺寸 13
   2.6计算各工序冲压力和选择冲压设备 14
   2.6.1拉深力计算 14
   2.6.2压边力计算 15
   2.6.3总冲裁力计算 15
   2.6.4初选压力机 16
   第三章 各次拉深模具结构和整体设计 18
   3.1模具结构型式 18
   3.1.1定位方式的选择 18
   3.1.2出件和卸料方式的选择 18
   3.2确定压力中心 19
   3.3工作零件尺寸及结构 19
   3.4模具闭合高度的确定及模架的选择 23
   3.5选定压力机 25
   3.6卸料螺钉 27
   3.7螺钉和销钉的选用 27
   3.8弹簧的选用 28
   3.9固定零件 29
   3.10定位零件的设计 29
   3.11打料块和打料杆 30
   3.12模具总装图的绘制 30
   3.13模具的装配 32
   第四章 结论与展望 35
   第五章 心得与致谢 36
   参考文献 38
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