
毕业设计(论文) 桥式起重机小车运行机构和起升机构设计

  • 简介:  毕业设计(论文) 桥式起重机小车运行机构和起升机构设计,附开题报告、设计图纸。共31页,8984字。
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  毕业设计(论文) 桥式起重机小车运行机构和起升机构设计,附开题报告、设计图纸。共31页,8984字。
   摘 要
   The design brief introduction of the overhead crane state of development, characteristics, composition, performance, structure, and the lifting mechanism and operation of the trolley design, and in the light of relevant information on the crane and its components or design, from the feasibility study to the specific program design, make full use of computers in the overall design, thereby improving the design quality and shorten the design cycle, improve work efficiency.
   First in the overhead crane hoisting mechanism design, the design of hoisting bodies from the design program launched the bridge crane hoisting mechanism design, selected from the rope and Verification, selected reel, hook design, determine horizontal hook, motor, brake and reducer selection and related Check these aspects of design. Trolley operation in the design calculations from the crane overall, by force, wheel selection, motor and reducer selected Checking and floating axis constitutes the design.
   Keywords: Overhead crane; Hoisting mechanism; Traverse mechanism; Design
   目 录
   摘 要 I
   Abstract II
   1 概述 1
   1.1 桥式起重机的简介 1
   1.2 起重机械的发展 1
   1.3 起重机械的特点 1
   1.4 起重机械的组成 2
   2 起升机构设计 2
   2.1 确定起升机构传动方案 3
   2.2 钢丝绳的选择 3
   2.3 滑轮的计算与选择 4
   2.4 吊钩的计算 5
   2.5 卷筒的计算 11
   2.6 绳端固定装置的计算 13
   2.7 电动机的选用 14
   2.8 减速器的计算与选用 15
   2.9 起升速度和实际所需功率 16
   2.10 制动器的选用 16
   2.11 起升和制动时间验算 16
   2.12 高速浮动轴的计算 17
   2.13 联轴器的计算与选用 19
   3 小车运行机构设计 20
   3.1 机构传动方案 20
   3.2 车轮的选用与验算 20
   3.3 运行阻力的计算 21
   3.4 电动机的选用 22
   3.5 减速器的计算与选用 23
   3.6 运行速度和实际所需功率 23
   3.7 起动时间验算 24
   3.8 校核减速器功率 25
   3.9 起动不打滑条件 25
   3.10 制动轮的计算 26
   3.11 高速轴联轴器及制动器 26
   3.12 低速轴联轴器的选用 27
   3.13 低速浮动轴的验算 27
   4 总结 29
   谢辞 30
   参考文献 31
   附录A 外文翻译-原文部分 32
   附录B 外文翻译-译文部分 35
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