

  • 简介:摘要:随着软件产业的发展,软件测试的重要性愈发突出,本课题就是要建立一个专业的软件测试网站供高校同学学习和交流。本人承担的是专业网站表现层设计和实现,主要使用了Ajax技术。
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The Design and Implementation of Software Testing Website Performance Layer Based on the Spring Technology

Abstract:With the development of the software industry, the importance of software testing is becoming prominent, The task is to establish a professional software testing site for college students to study and exchange. I am responsible for the performance levels for the design and realization of the main use of Ajax technology.
Currently, Ajax web technology as a research focus, a growing number of websites using Ajax technology, and generate a good response, such as Google. Ajax technology introduces the asynchronous call, to make up for the defects of the BS systems in user’s experience. Compared with the traditional Applet and Flash web technology, Ajax do not need special software to support ,it can run in the most popular browsers directly. Ajax through the XMLHttpRequest object to send asynchronous requests. Users do not need to wait for pages updating.
Ajax relates to the key technologies including Javascript, XMLHttpRequest, DOM and XML. Among them, XHTML and CSS are used to show in standardization, the use of DOM display and interaction dynamically, XSTL and XML are used to exchange and process data, To perform a asynchronous data reading through XMLHttpRequest object, JavaScript bundled with the use and processing of all data.
The topic is on the J2EE platform application integrated with Ajax, mainly use the Ajax technology such as No Refreshing, Dynamic Allocation of the Tab pages, Data Linkage as so on .

Key words : Ajax, Software Testing, XMLHttpRequst, Javascript, DOM, Data Linkage, Tab Pages

1. 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及来源 1
1.2 课题研究的意义 1
1.3 论文结构 2
2. 软件测试网站系统说明 3
2.1 软件测试网站系统需求 3
2.2 软件测试网站系统设计 3
2.2.1 系统概述 3
2.2.2 学生端 4
2.2.3 管理员端 5
3. 相关技术介绍 7
3.1 Ajax定义 7
3.1.1 传统Web界面的问题 7
3.1.2什么是Ajax 7
3.2 Ajax Web应用模型 8
3.3 JavaScript 12
3.4 XMLHTTPRequest对象 13
3.4.1 创建XMLHTTPRequest对象 14
3.4.2 XMLHTTPRequest对象的方法 15
3.3.3 XMLHTTPRequest对象的属性 17
3.3.4 使用XMLHTTPRequest进行交互的示例 17
3.5 DOM 18
3.5.1 DOM简介 18
3.5.2 XML DOM 19
3.5.3 使用DOM动态编辑页面 20
3.6 用CSS定义应用的外观 21
3.7 jQuery Tab 插件 22
4. 软件测试网站开发与实现 23
4.1 开发环境及工具 23
4.2 系统实现 23
4.2.1 软件测试网站流程图 23
4.2.2 软件测试网站界面实现 24
4.2.3 登录的Ajax实现 32
4.2.4 Tab页的动态加载 34
4.2.5 数据联动 37
总结 39
致谢 40
参考文献 41

1. 绪论
1.1 课题背景及来源
1.2 课题研究的意义
随着软件市场的成熟,人们对软件作用期望值也越来越高, 软件的质量、性能、可靠性等方面也正逐渐成为人们关注的焦点。目前,中国软件产业在产品功能和性能测试领域都存在着严重不足,中国软件企业已开始认识到,软件测试的广度和深度决定了中国软件企业的前途命运。
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