

  • 简介:摘 要:模式识别就是机器识别、计算机识别或者机器自动化识别,目的在于让机器自动识别事物,使机器能做以前只能由人类才能做的事,具备人所具有的对各种事物与现象进行分析、描述与判断的部分能力。它研究的目的就
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摘 要:模式识别就是机器识别、计算机识别或者机器自动化识别,目的在于让机器自动识别事物,使机器能做以前只能由人类才能做的事,具备人所具有的对各种事物与现象进行分析、描述与判断的部分能力。它研究的目的就是利用计算机对物理对象进行分类,在错误概率最小的条件下,使识别的结果尽量与客观事物相符合。


Abstract:Pattern Recognition is the machine identification, computer identification or identification of machine automation, machine aimed at automatic identification of things to do before the machine can only be made by man can do, with people with all kinds of things and on an analysis of the phenomenon, described with the ability to determine the part. It is the purpose of the study of the physical object to use the computer for classification, the probability of the smallest in the wrong conditions, so that the results of recognition as far as possible in line with objective things.
As artificial neural network to recognize the continuing, neural network refers to a large number of simple calculation unit consisting of non-linear system, which to some extent and level system to imitate the human brain's information processing, storage and retrieval functions, which has learning, memory and computing functions such as intelligent processing. Such people to use artificial neural network with a high degree of parallelism, the overall role of a high degree of non-linear and good fault tolerance and associative memory function, and have good self-adaptive, self-learning function, such as prominent features, the availability of MATLAB neural network toolbox The neural network model trained neural network can effectively extract the signal, voice, video and other features of perceptual patterns and heuristics to solve the existing pattern recognition systems are not well resolved invariant detection, such as abstract and summary issues. This neural network pattern recognition can be applied to feature extraction, clustering analysis, edge detection, signal enhancement and noise suppression, data compression, such as various links. The use of machines for pattern recognition is a very useful work, such as series of symbols to identify the machines are of great value. At present, the pattern recognition technology can be applied to fingerprint identification, IC card technology applications, such as examples of character recognition. Artificial neural network pattern recognition has become especially suitable for solving a class of problem. Therefore, the neural network pattern recognition technology is also widely used and development.

Key words:pattern recognition;artificial neural network;neural network model;neural network technology

目 录
引言 1
1 模式识别概述 1
1.1 模式识别基本概念 1
1.2 模式识别系统 2
1.3 模式识别的主要方法 2
1.4 模式识别应用 3
2 人工神经网络概述 4
2.1 人工神经元模型 4
2.1.1阀值函数、Sigmoid函数和分线段性函数 5
2.2 人工神经网络模型 5
2.3 神经网络学习特点 6
2.4 人工神经网络在模式识别问题中应用优势 6
3 神经网络模式识别 7
3.1 基于BP神经网络的模式识别 7
3.1.1BP神经网络模型简述 7
3.1.2BP学习算法 8
3.1.3BP神经网络应用于字符识别 9
3.2 基于径向基函数神经网络的模式识别 16
3.2.1径向基函数神经网络模型简述 17
3.2.2径向基函数神经网络应用特征模式的分类 18
3.3 基于自组织竞争神经网络的模式识别 19
3.3.1自组织竞争神经网络基本思想 20
3.3.2自组织竞争神经网络设计模式分类器的应用 20
3.4 基于反馈型神经网络的模式识别 24
3.4.1反馈型神经网络模型简述 24
3.4.2反馈型神经网络在工程领域的应用 24
4 实验分析与总结 31
谢 辞 32
参考文献 33
附 录 34

1 模式识别概述
1.1 模式识别基本概念
在模式识别技术中,被待观测的每个对象称为样品。对于一个样品来说,必须确定一些与识别有关的因素作为研究的依据,每一个因素称为一个特征。模式就是样品所具有特征的描述。模式特征集又可用处于同一个特征空间的特征向量表示。如果一个样品 有 个特征,则可以把 看作一个 维列向量,该向量 称为特征向量。
这样,模式识别问题就是根据 的 个特征来判断模式 属于哪一类。待识别的不同模式都在同一特征空间中考察,不同模式类由于性质上的不同,它们在各特征取值范围内有所不同,因而会在不同的特征空间的不同区域中出现,因此,模式识别系统的目标是在特征空间和解释空间之间找到一种映射关系。特征空间由从模式得到的对分类有用的度量、属性以及基元构成的空间。解释空间是由所有不同所属类别的集合构成。正因如此,在模式识别过程中,要对许多具体对象进行观测,以获得许多观测,其中有均值、方差、协方差和协方差矩阵等。
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