
毕业论文 传感器在汽车行业中的应用及其发展趋势

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  毕业论文 传感器在汽车行业中的应用及其发展趋势 共33页,14802字
   摘 要
   All along, the sensor technology has been widely used in day-to-day information, communication, automotive, medical and other sophisticated peripheral equipment. Among them, the auto industry as auto sensor products most prominent, General use of the sensor in the vehicle traffic on computer systems as input devices, It will auto operations working status information, including : speed to him and various media temperature, Engine operation working conditions and road information, and so on, into telecommunications, it lost computer, Engine to work under optimum conditions, pollution emissions, the smallest body stability and control so that the traffic safety automotive electronic control system critical components, as well as automotive electronic technology research core.
   In this paper sensor will be the definition of the classification deal with them one by one. With the auto market for driving safety, comfort and manipulative requirements for upgrading of scattered in charge of security, comfortable with the environmental and other vehicles used on the system are increasingly high requirements, Therefore sensors are widely used in the automobile industry to significantly improve its safety performance. Along with the development of modern, high-precision sensor will also development, high reliability, wide temperature range, micro, Micro Power and passive, as well as intelligent digital development.
   Keywords: Sensor, automotive sensors, the automobile industry
   目 录
   摘 要 I
   引 言 1
   1 传感器概述 2
   1.1 传感器的定义 2
   1.2 传感器的分类 3
   2 汽车用传感器 5
   2.1 汽车用传感器的特点 5
   2.2 汽车用传感器的分类 5
   3 传感器在汽车行业的具体应用 7
   3.1 发动机控制系统用传感器 7
   3.2 汽车状态控制系统用传感器 9
   3.3 传感器在汽车底盘电子控制系统的中的应用 10
   3.4 防盗系统 11
   4专题设计——安全气囊 16
   4.1 碰撞传感器的种类 16
   4.2 碰撞传感器的结构与原理 17
   4.3 碰撞传感器检查注意事项 22
   5 汽车用传感器的发展趋势 23
   5.1 车用传感器的市场分析 23
   5.2 车用传感器发展趋势 25
   结束语 27
   参考文献 28
   致谢 29
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