
毕业设计 茶杯塑件塑料注射模具设计

  • 简介:  毕业设计 茶杯塑件塑料注射模具设计 共56页,18604字 附工艺卡、零件图、装配图
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  毕业设计 茶杯塑件塑料注射模具设计 共56页,18604字 附工艺卡、零件图、装配图
   摘 要
   饮茶不但是传统饮食文化,同时,由于茶中含有多种抗氧化物质与抗氧化营养素, 对于消除自由基有一定的效果。因此喝茶也有助防老,具养生保健功能,每天喝三两杯茶可起到防老的作用。茶叶中含有多种维生素和氨基酸,喝茶对于清油解腻,增强神经兴奋以及消食利尿也具有一定的作用。
   本产品由于外形尺寸不是很大,考虑到生产的效率及产品的成本问题,最好用一模多穴,注塑机尽量选用注塑量比较大的。注塑机选用比较常用的 G54-S200/400型螺杆式注射机,考虑到本注塑机的最大注塑量及所设计塑件的 体积及投影面积,经判定适合用一模四穴(具体内容见后面本塑件型腔数目和分 布的计算),又本塑件侧向没有孔和槽,模具不需要设计侧分型与抽芯机构。但 由于塑件高度较高,为了节省浇道凝料,决定用双分型面注塑模。由于茶杯对外观要求比较严,不允许有推出痕迹,推出机构决定用推板推出。
   关键词:喝茶,品茶,评茶, 茶具
   With the development of society, the people’s living standards have continued to improve, people’s life concept is undergoing tremendous changes, from the enjoyment the commentary widespread in the community, especially the older people, understanding this, and especially profound.
   Tea is not only the traditional food culture, at the same time ,because tea contains a variety of antioxidants and antioxidant nutrients, the elimination of free radicals have some effect. Therefore tea will also help to old age, a health care function, the three drank two glasses of tea every day can play the role of old age. Tea contains a variety of vitamins and amino acids, tea tired of the Qingyou, enhance nerve excitability and Xiaoshi diuretic but also has a certain role.
   As the saying goes, but also the United States for food distribution. Tea should also have a fine tea. People like teacups is a kind of the type of cup, the size of everything. Drink different with different cup of tea. In recent years more and more popular side of the tea-Wen Wen-Cha-xiang Cup. According to the teapot shape, colors election, the selection of appropriate cup, with up are also full of beauty. In order to facilitate the appreciation of tea color, and easy to clean, the best glazing glass inside, and is white or light-coloured. On the request of the cup, would be best to "hold", "using" uncomfortable, "I" comfort, "Entrance" smooth.
   The design of the cup for plastic products, simple structure and modest size, is a thin-walled plastic shell of this product in addition to the tea, cups used for brushing is a good choice. In today’s society, people brush their teeth every day has become a basic essential component of the Super toothpaste, toothbrush tools to the main cup, people in this area generally is not very particular about, most consisting mainly of plastic cups, like I designed the cup is that the people have a favorite.
   This product is not great because of Dimensions, taking into account the efficiency of production and the cost of products, it is best to use a multi-point mode, the injection molding machine to use than the larger injection. Injection Molding Machine G54-S200/400 use the more common type screw injection molding machine, taking into account the largest injection molding machine and the design of injection molding plastic parts and the size of the projected area, as determined suitable for a four-point (see details Plastic Parts cavity behind the number and distribution of the calculation), and the plastic parts lateral groove and had no holes, mold design does not require side typing and core-pulling mechanism. However, a high degree of higher plastic parts, in order to save runner condensate expected, decided to use the double-surface injection mold. Because of the cup relatively strict appearance requirements, does not allow any launch marks, the agency decided to launch push plates introduced.
   The results show that: the design of both in the selection and injection molding machine, or in the mold base, the amount of each sub-model and the introduction of the design, use a more reasonable choice. I believe that this mold products will be able to reach a minimum investment, achieve the highest efficiency results.
   Key words: tea, tea, tea commentary, tea
   目 录
   第1章 前言 8
   1.1选题背景及意义 8
   1.2 塑料模具的种类和应用 9
   1.2.1 塑料模具的种类 9
   1.2.2 塑料模具的应用 7
   1.3双分型面注射模介绍 10
   1.3.1概述 10
   1.3.2双分型面注射模具的浇注系统 12
   1.3.3多型腔点浇口浇注系统凝料的推出机构 13
   1.4 本次设计塑料注射模具的主要工作内容 14
   第2章 塑料注射模具的设计步骤和结构组成 16
   2.1塑料注射模具的设计步骤及内容 16
   2.2 塑料注射模具的结构组成和作用 23
   第3章 茶杯塑料件 24
   3.1 塑料件的结构和特点 24
   3.2 塑料件的材料 25
   3.2.1对塑料的认识 25
   3.2.2 塑料的成型工艺特点 26
   3.2.3 设计塑料材料聚苯乙烯(PS)的特性 26
   3.3 茶杯塑料件的参数 28
   3.3.1 塑件的重量 28
   3.3.2 塑件的投影面积 28
   第4章 注射机的选用 29
   4.1 选用注射机的方法和原则 29
   4.2 注射机的选用 29
   第5章 塑料注射模具设计 31
   5.1 型腔数目和分布 31
   5.1.1 型腔数目的确定 31
   5.1.2 型腔的分布 32
   5.2 分型面的选择 32
   5.3 型芯和型腔 33
   5.3.1 型芯和型腔的结构 33
   5.3.2 型芯和型腔的尺寸 34
   5.4 浇注系统 36
   5.4.1 浇注系统的作用 36
   5.4.2 浇注系统的组成 36
   5.4.3 浇注系统的设计 36
   5.5 推出机构 39
   5.5.1 推出机构的作用和种类 39
   5.5.2 推板推出机构的组成 39
   5.5.3 推板推出机构的设计 40
   5.6 导向机构 43
   5.6.1 导向机构的作用和组成 43
   5.6.2 导向机构的设计 44
   5.7 冷却和排气系统 44
   5.7.1 冷却系统 45
   5.7.2 排气系统 45
   5.8注射模标准模架的设计 45
   5.8.1选用标准模架应设计的内容 45
   5.8.2注射模的设计结果参数 49
   5.9模具装配和分解过程 50
   5.9.1模具的装配 50
   5.9.2模具的分解 50
   5.9.2模具的分解 50
   第6章 总结与体会 54
   致 谢 55
   参考文献 56
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