

  • 简介:  基于嵌入式TCPIP的远程GPRS控制终端的设计与实现电子书
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   摘 要: 介绍了基于8 位单片机的嵌入式TCPö IP 的远程无线控制终端的设计与实现. 描述了基于GPRS 网的数据传输过程、
   嵌入式实时操作系统RTX51 以及嵌入式TCPö IP 协议栈简化的思路, 并着重阐述了控制终端的技术实现.
   关键词: TCPö IP; GPRS; RTX51 单片机
   Des ign and Implemen ta t ion of Embedded TCPö IP-Ba sed Long-Range GPRS Con trols Term ina
   l Sta t ion
   L IU  Feng1, 2,L IN  Hu2, WAN G Zhong2
   1(Grad uate S chool of Ch inese A cad emy of S cience,B eij ing 100039, Ch ina)
   2(S heny ang Institu te of Comp u ting T echnology ,L iaoning , S heny ang 110004, Ch ina)
   3(S of tw ore Colleg e of N ortheast U niversity , S hengy ang 110004, Ch ina)
   Abstract: Th is paper int roduces the design and imp lementat ion of the long2range w ireless cont ro lls term inal stat ion based on 82
   bit singlech ip w h ich embeds TCPö IP. It describs t ransm ission course of data based on GPRS netwo rk, embedded real2t ime op2
   erat ing system RTX51 and embedded simp le th ink ing of TCPö IP agreement. A nd illum inates the techno logy imp lementat ion of
   cont ro ls term inal stat ion in detail.
   Key words: TCPö IP; GPRS; RTX51; MCU
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