
硕士学位论文 论我国国有企业的组织结构变革

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  硕士学位论文 论我国国有企业的组织结构变革,共30页,30571字
   随着新型组织结构模式的不断出现,组织结构优化成为我国国有企业实现 现代化管理的核心内容之一。减少管理层次,适当分权,建立柔性组织结构是我国国有企业组织结构变革的墓本方向。在市场化原则、系统性原则、整体设计原则和创新原则的指导下组织结构的变革可根据企业自身的具体情况采取逐步完善、择优发展、彻底变革等方式来进行.
   关键词:国有企业 组织结构 组织结构变革
   Organizational system is the established venation and interaction between the variouscomponents of an organization for the attainment of its aim. The appropriateness of itsstructure directly affects the efficiency of the organization, challenged by the dramaticchanges in a developing environment; enterprise should have the capacity of improvementand innovation in case of failure in fierce competitions. The reform of the domesticstate-owned enterprise is a way to strengthen its vitality and competitive power throughinnovation of its structure in order to fully exert the function of the organization
   This paper, through a retrospection of the history of reform on the state-ownedenterprise in China, makes a profound analysis on the necessity of the structure innovationand the difficulties and blocks at present. An assumption on the future structure of theorganization of the enterprise is also made in this paper.
   From the foundation of China in 1949 to 1978, before the Chinese Reform and openingup, innovations and reform had been carried on for decades to improve the efficiency of thestate-owned enterprise. However, such reforms are not significant in that the enterpriseswere deprived of autonomy under the Planned Economy. The great charge of the enterpriseby the government separated the organization structure from its function, which greatlyrestrained the development of the enterprises. Since the reform and opening up in 1978,state-owned enterprises have gradually become marked-oriented and the reform ofstate-owned enterprises has achieved unprecedented accomplishments in the transition fromPlanned Economy Institution to marked Economy Institution. Instead of focusing onorganization structure, management institution and staffs, reform in the early stage narrowedits scope on technical aspects. Furthermore, the focus is unduly centered currently onproperty rights while innovation of organizational structure in enterprises is still being ignored and reform of organizational structure cannot go further. It has been proved by practice thatnew ways of production and new technology have not succeeded in China as expected. Oneof the important reasons is that fundamentally the improvement in big scale of productionefficiency and management benefits are restricted by dated organizational structure andmanagement patterns. Moreover, taking property rights as the only decisive element for thesurvival of enterprises makes it hard to establish modem company institution.
   While various of organizational structures come into being, optimizing organizationalstructures now becomes a key to establish modem management in state-owned enterprisesin China. Reducing management layers, decentralizing power and establishing flexible
   organizational structure are the cores of the reform of domestic state-owned enterprises. Thereform of organizational structure under the guidance of market principle, systematicprinciple integrity principle and innovation principle should be carried out in such ways likegradual perfection, development based on its priorities or through transformation inaccordance with their individual characteristics.
   .:state-owned enterprise organizational structure organizational
   structure reform
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