
毕业设计 SWC单片机多点温度巡检系统

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  毕业设计 SWC单片机多点温度巡检系统,共32页,14734字,附源程序
   The instrument intellectualization took the technological transformations and the technological development important method, obtained the widespread application in our country each domain, its product entered the common people family.
   The high tech development, the new component emerges one after another incessantly, take monolithic integrated circuit as core control portion application most widespread, the technology is matures, in the general application situation, it definitely can satisfy the system the need.
   Modern industry Mesozoic mid-production, very many products the control request quite are high to the temperature, moreover needs to carry on the monitoring to many spots, the temperature inspects the system also correspondingly to live. (Temperature inspects system) in this design center, the examination object for the multi-spots temperature, is as soon as circulates the multi- spots examination system, take the monolithic integrated circuit as the core, it is shouldering the vital duty, played the examination, the computation, the output information (demonstration, record and so on) and so on the role, completed the intelligent examination the goal. And is suitable to various professions multi- spots measured the warm situation, can fixed time the automatic gathering data and prints the record or the manual printing saves in EEPROM the record.
   关键字:AT89C51 数字式测试传感器DS18B20 温度多路巡检 温度采集 授时
   前言 1
   目录 2
   摘要 3
   第一章.AT89C51单片机性能介绍 4
   1.主要特性 4
   2.管脚说明 4
   3.振荡器特性 6
   4.芯片擦除 6
   第二章.DS18B20 7
   1.SWC数字温度传感器 7
   2.DS18B20一线总线数字式传感器 8
   3.第二种采集和处理程序 15
   第三章.光电耦合器部分 21
   1.光电耦合器 21
   2.光电隔离抗干扰技术及应用 21
   第四章.数码管驱动部分 24
   1.译码器 24
   2.七段数码管 26
   3.七段译码驱动器74HC4511 27
   4.双4选1开关74HC4052 27
   第五章.电路图及元件明细表 28
   1.DS18B20单片机多点温度巡检系统电路图 28
   2.元件明细表及成本分析 28
   第六章.DS18B20单片机多点温度巡检系统程序 29
   第七章 参考文献 31
   结束语 32
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