
毕业论文 英语语言性别歧视研究

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  毕业论文 英语语言性别歧视研究,共27页,12161字
   Language plays an important role in society. As a phenomenon of society, language reflects all the sides of human society naturally. Sexism is a phenomenon that takes a male-as-norm attitude, trivializing, insulting or rendering women invisible. As a special social phenomenon, sexism is inevitably reflected through language.
   To start with, the thesis analyses sexism in terms of the generic masculine words, word order and semantic derogation of women in greater detail. Then the thesis traces the reasons for the occurrence of sexism in the English language. In nature, sexism in language reflects sexism in society. The two are closely related. Social connotations of sexism in English tell the relationship between phenomenon of sexism in language and essence of sexism in society. Finally, a large part of the thesis is contributed to how to change sexism in English. The thesis thinks that the key to the problem is: (1) to use nonsexist words instead of sexist words; (2) to solve the problem of generic masculine pronouns. The elimination of linguistic sexism lies in social change. Only by changing the social structure, that is, women and men own really equal status, can language equality be truly achieved.
   Key Words
   sexism; phenomenon; reasons; elimination
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